
Keep up to date with all the latest company and product news

SD Day 2023 - Event Summary

SD Workshop Slides

SD Workshop Output


11/09/2023: Our Terms and Conditions have now been updated and are available here

  • UPDATED: “Customer Data” means electronic data and information (e.g., specific customer templates) submitted by or for Customer to the Services
  • UPDATED:  The Customer accepts that Standards Digital may refer to the Customer’s use of the Services in their general marketing activities, unless otherwise agreed in the Order form and / or SOW or the Customer specifically and in writing decides otherwise. This clause shall not apply to specific SD Authoring templates designed for the Customer, unless agreed otherwise by the Customer.


23/05/2023: Our Terms and Conditions have now been updated and are available here

  • UPDATED: SCHEDULE 2 – List of Sub-processors 


31/01/2023: Our Terms and Conditions have now been updated and are available here

  • UPDATED: Multiple updates to sections 7,8 and 9

10/12/2019: Our latest updated Terms and Conditions are now available here

Past Webinars

2023 Webinars 

SD Authoring January 2023

SD Enquiry January 2023 

2022 Webinars

Watch our latest Product webinar looking at the SD Store

Watch our latest Product webinar looking at the SD Enquiry

Watch our latest Product webinar looking at the SD Viewer